High School Youth Group: SPACE

Being a teenager is stressful, awesome, exhausting and exciting; it can be all of those things in the same day. What we try to do at BLC youth group is make some space for our students to pray, live, laugh, serve, question, love, and whatever else they need in the middle of their week. We meet on Wednesday nights from 7:00-9:00 in our youth room. Join us if you need some space!

Adults/Parents: As our youth group grows we are also seeking volunteers to help lead conversations and hangout on Wednesday nights.  If you would like to volunteer, please email Angel at youthministry@brandonlutheran.org.

The Latest in Youth


I have to be honest, every time I heard the word Lock-in, there is something inside my mind that automatically say “No” I guess I am in a point in my life where sleeping has become really important for me, and Lock ins are not the best for it.

The kids insisted, and after listening to them I decided that I was going to do it,     calling it “The Last Lock-in”.,

I have to admit that this one was the best by far.  The high schoolers had a good time. It is good to see the kids not just having fun but also being intentional about their faith and to support each other as a community. Thank you to all the parents that support us with some donuts and breakfast the next morning.

Moreover, during this month, we also had the opportunity to go to Thunder Road with some of the middle schoolers and 6 graders. It was a good time to play some games and get to know each other.  I am sharing some pictures from both activities. Thanks to all of you who support the ministry.

HS Lock In March 2024.jpeg  HS Lock In March 2024-2.jpeg  HS Lock In March 2024-3.jpeg  Middle School YG - Thunder Road March 2024.jpeg


It is finally done. Some of our talented youth spent a few hours during Saturday night finishing the Mural in order for the congregation to be able

to enjoy it during  Easter. Please stop by and look to the amazing job they have done since February 19.

